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[APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
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Nikod11 Sin conexión
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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Mensaje: #1
[APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
Hace poco en el laburo me comentaron de una pagina "copada" con cursos gratis de distintos temas, donde te toman examenes y te certificas. Algunos cursos son dados por gente grosa y de universidades reconocidas.

[Imagen: 200px-Coursera_logo.PNG]

Con muy poca fe me registre y me anote en 2 cursos: uno de guitarra y otro de programacion de videojuegos en XNA.
El de guitarra ya arranco y les cuento que esta buenisimo.
Son 6 videos por semana subtitulados donde te evaluan con examenes, en mi caso tambien tengo que grabarme tocando lol
Ademas existe un foro por curso con muchisima actividad, entre ellos nos encontramos algunos hispanohablantes jajaja.

No soy de hacer spam, pero esta es mi excepcion blush

Coursera: Cursos para todos (?)
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 23-07-2013 15:07 por Nikod11.)
23-07-2013 15:06
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Desert69 Sin conexión
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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Mensaje: #2
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
Jaja es una masa el grone de guitarra!

Así del palo también existen Udacity, edX (que armaron una plataforma libre para armar sitios así), y había encontrado una más cuyo nombre (feo) no estoy pudiendo recordar.

[Imagen: a2.php]
[Imagen: 971aa6599664453c05cb3e42d58bbc0eo.jpg]
23-07-2013 15:12
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Nikod11 Sin conexión
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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Mensaje: #3
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
Me anote a un curso de Criptografia que es MUY bueno. Recien voy por la introduccion pero te tira algunos algoritmos de cifrado, como funcionan matematicamente y como descifrarlos/romperlos... Te abre la cabeza, me re enganche
23-07-2013 17:32
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JulianD Sin conexión

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Mensaje: #4
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
Yo hice un curso sobre sonido digital y lo termine, te mandan un diplomita por pdf =P
Ahora estoy anotado para hacer el de algoritmos 1 que creo que arranca a fines de agosto.

[Imagen: 2r27ldw.jpg]
23-07-2013 17:39
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Maik Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #5
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
yo me anote a un par.

analisis 2 no me dejo ver nada de esos =P
pd. ahora empiezan un par de procesamiento de audio y esas cosas JulianD

[Imagen: 2r5t075.jpg]
23-07-2013 17:43
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Izikiel Sin conexión
Campeon del cubo Rubik
Cursando 3ro! :O

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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Mensaje: #6
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
Yo hice uno de programacion en paralelo y otro de algoritmos que estuvieron muy buenos, en especial el de algoritmos.
Ahora estoy haciendo uno de optimizacion discreta, como resolver problemas dificiles q tmb esta bueno.

Just Beautiful

[Imagen: 9e9a547076c6820b95e439dd1a5d6a32.png]
23-07-2013 17:59
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JulianD Sin conexión

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Mensaje: #7
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
(23-07-2013 17:43)Maik escribió:  yo me anote a un par.

analisis 2 no me dejo ver nada de esos =P
pd. ahora empiezan un par de procesamiento de audio y esas cosas JulianD

Hoy busque y no vi mucho, tira link =P

[Imagen: 2r27ldw.jpg]
23-07-2013 18:03
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ituzaingo1827 Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #8
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
woooow interesantisimo che. a alguno me anoto para empezar. gracias nikod

Homero Simpson: "¡Entiéndelo Marge, los Católicos mandan! Tenemos Boston, Sudamérica, la parte buena de Irlanda y estamos haciendo grandes avances en Mozambique y en Utnianos, mi amor"

"Los tiempos no son dificiles, requieren mas dedicación"
23-07-2013 18:13
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Maik Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #9
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
en el mail aparecian varios como "tal vez te gusten"

ahi me fijo si no lo borre =P

no, lo borre =P

[Imagen: 2r5t075.jpg]
23-07-2013 18:16
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Nuckles Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #10
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
Gracias por compartir che! Muy bueno!

No conocía la página, vi uno de nutrición que me interesa hacer. Ni bien pueda empiezo.

Si alguien más sabe de páginas con cursos o cosas así (en inglés o español, da igual) que comparta, yo no conocía esta página y tiene buena pinta!
(Este mensaje fue modificado por última vez en: 23-07-2013 18:35 por Nuckles.)
23-07-2013 18:34
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Nikod11 Sin conexión
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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires

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Mensaje: #11
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
De nada, me alegro que les sirva =D

Si nos copamos bastantes podemos organizar grupos de skype o demas para determinado curso
23-07-2013 20:06
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LeaTex Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #12
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
este sitio trabaja con "Cursos Abiertos Masivos Online" (MOOC) y hay muchos sitios similares.
es una nueva tendencia en materia educativa que está ayudando a cambiar el paradigma.

googleen MOOC y van a encontrar montones de sitios que hacen ésto, para poder aprender de todo. programación, idiomas, oficios varios, música, etc. son buenísimos.

28-07-2013 16:21
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JulianD Sin conexión

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Mensaje: #13
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
En un par de dias arranca este:

Cita:Description. An introduction to fundamental data types, algorithms, and data structures. Our emphasis is on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations.

Part I focuses on elementary data structures, sorting, and searching. Topics include union-find, binary search, stacks, queues, bags, insertion sort, selection sort, shellsort, quicksort, 3-way quicksort, mergesort, heapsort, binary heaps, binary search trees, red-black trees, separate chaining and linear probing hash tables, Graham scan, and kd-trees.
Part II focuses on graph and string-processing algorithms. Topics include depth-first search, breadth-first search, topological sort, Kosaraju-Sharir, Kruskal, Prim, Dijkistra, Bellman-Ford, Ford-Fulkerson, LSD radix sort, MSD radix sort, 3-way radix quicksort, multiway tries, ternary search tries, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp, regular expression matching, run-length coding, Huffman coding, LZW compression, and the Burrows-Wheeler transform.
Prerequisites. The programming prerequisite for the course is familiarity with Java, including loops, arrays, functions, recursion, and objects. We introduce advanced features of Java as necessary (such as generics and iterators). The mathematics prerequisite is high-school algebra.

Lectures. There are two lectures (75 minutes each) per week. Each lecture is broken up into about 4–6 segments, separated by interactive quiz questions to help you process and understand the material.

Readings. Our textbook is the basic reference for the material we will be covering. Although the lectures are designed to be self-contained, we will assign suggested (but optional) readings for students who wish more extensive coverage of the material.

Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2011, ISBN 0-321-57351-X.
You can purchase the textbook in either hardcover or electronic format from

Our booksite is open to everyone and contains a wealth of supplementary information, including synopses of the textbook and Java code that you will be using throughout the course.

Exercises. There is one exercise set associated with each lecture. An exercise set consists of three drill questions, designed to ensure that you understand the basics. We expect that each exercise set will take approximate 10–30 minutes to complete. You may attempt each exercise set up to 10 times (your best score is recorded); you will receive a different set of questions on each attempt. Solutions are provided after each attempt.

Programming assignments. There is one Java programming assignment per week. Some of the programming assignments require that you implement a data structure or algorithm from scratch; others require that you apply a data structure or algorithm to solve a problem from science, commerce, or recreation. We expect that each programming assignment will take approximately 4–12 hours to complete, depending on your programming experience. You may attempt each programming assignment up to 10 times (your best score is recorded). After each attempt, we will provide feedback on correctness and efficiency.

Final exam. The final exam is cumulative and designed to make sure you understand how each algorithm works and when it is effective. The final will not involve Java programming. Many of the questions will be based on questions from the exercises and in-lecture quizzes. You may attempt the final exam up to 3 times (your best score is recorded).

Job interview questions. Each week, we will also provide a few algorithmic job interview questions based on the material for the week, inspired by questions asked at leading technology companies. The questions are for self-enrichment and are not assessed; however, we will provide some hints and you are welcome to discuss solutions in the discussion forums with your classmates.

Discussion forums. Please be sure to make use of the discussion forums if you need help, and please contribute to the forums if you think that you can provide help. Such forums have proven to be an important and fun part of the online course experience. Staff members will monitor these forums.

Honor code. All students in the course must agree to abide by the Coursera honor code. In particular, do not post solutions or partial solutions to programming assignments; however, you are permitted to discuss general ideas and problem-solving approaches. You are also permitted to discuss solutions to exercises and job interview questions.

Copyright. All rights reserved. All video recordings, lecture slides, assessments and other materials made available in connection with this course are subject to copyright protection and may be used only for private study by persons who are enrolled in this course. Any other use of these materials must be with the express, written permission of Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

Certificates. No certificates, statements of accomplishment, or other credentials will be awarded in connection with this course.

Credits. We are grateful to many for help in developing this course. We thank Daniel Kearns, Laura Shaddock, and Jeffrey Himpele for video production; Josh Hug for programming assignment infrastructure; and Andrew Morrison for exercise infrastructure. We also thank the Coursera team, especially Jiquan Ngiam, Koh Pang Wei, and Daniel Chia for extending the Coursera platform to enable our advanced assessments and Daphne Koller for inspiring us to teach a MOOC.

Alguno se prende?

Lo malo es que no dan certificado, pero bueh.. lo que importa es el conocimiento :/

[Imagen: 2r27ldw.jpg]
20-08-2013 17:06
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Maik Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #14
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
para que queres ese certificado de un curso en el cual podes googlear las respuestas? XD

me meteria, pero no tengo tiempo =(

por suerte esta semana termino el de nutricion y hasta diciembre no hago ninguno.

[Imagen: 2r5t075.jpg]
20-08-2013 18:43
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Nikod11 Sin conexión
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Mensaje: #15
RE: [APORTE] Coursera: Cursos gratis
En 5 dias arranca!
10-09-2013 17:58
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